
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Patagonia is redefining the way we manufacture apparel by re-using old clothing items. For most Patagonia enthusiasts this is not new news, Patagonia has long established recycling old fleece material into polyester fibers.

Patagonia textile recycling program
photos via &WGSN

According to WGSN’s article, “Patagonia: environmental update” by autumn 2011 they will take back more than just fleeces. All of their products will go be recycled, re-used or Repair.

According to Isabelle Susini, Patagonia’s environment manager “Anything that has gone through the first three Rs, we will take back and look for the best way to recycle it. We could either turn it back into the original fiber or give it to a company that works with old garments for use in other projects, for example a car manufacturer. We want our customers to understand that a textile product shouldn’t end up in an incinerator or a landfill.”

Patagonia is also changing it’s message to customers, adding a 4th‘R’ into the picture. “We are trying to reduce our consumption and our resources, and we are telling our customers to consume less,” Susini said. “The message is: buy only if you really need it.”

Projecting to future trends, I can see more companies recycling fabrics to make new fibers based on rising costs of fibers and textiles.

via WGSN: "Patagonia: environmental update"
By Andrew Jobling, WGSN, 24 February 2011

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